Contractors Yard, West Haddon Road, Ravensthorpe Public Consultation
We are currently consulting on our proposed development of up to 16 new homes on land to the rear of Lingles Farm, Ravensthorpe.
We are preparing a detailed planning application for the proposed scheme and we want to find out what the local community thinks about our current plans before we finalise the application for submission to Daventry District Council.
We are also keen to hear about any local issues and concerns which you feel should be considered and addressed as our plans progress.
Why has this site been chosen?
Our proposed development site is located to the rear of the Lingles Farm and currently consists of a hardstanding/contractor’s yard and a series of former agricultural buildings which have been in commercial use for a number of years. There is also an office building on the site.
Redevelopment of this site for new homes would result in visual and environmental improvements to the surrounding area through the demolition of unsightly outbuildings and opportunities to enhance the special landscape within which the site lies. Changing the site from commercial use to residential would also reduce the number of HGV vehicles coming to and from the site.
The redevelopment of this site would also make use of land which has been previously developed, rather than encroaching into greenfield countryside land to build houses. New homes in Ravensthorpe would also provide social and economic benefits and would help to support the local services in the village.
Ultimately, this proposal for a small development of well-designed homes which will integrate with the village of Ravensthorpe, will help to provide a wider choice of high quality homes in this sought-after location.
Click here to view the information displayed at the public consultation
Click here to download the feed back form which should be returned by 2nd March
Feedback forms can be returned by post to:
Ravensthorpe Public Consultation
Kingston Real Estate
228 Wellingborough Road
Alternatively you can return your form by e-mail to